IeDEA Central Africa sites – 2017
Patients enrolling in care–
Initiated ART within 12 mo. of enrollment
Initiated ART Within 7 days of enrollment
Virally suppressed 6 months after enrollment
WHO Treat All guidelines expanded
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- Regional and country level aggregate data are generated from the IeDEA Data Exchange Standard (DES). All ART-naïve patients newly enrolling into HIV care from 2010 to present are included. The following patients are excluded from aggregate data measures: patients with incomplete data related to age, sex, and site of enrollment; patients with evidence of ART initiation prior to the date of enrollment; patients with less than 15 months (457 days) between care entry and database close; patients known to have transferred to another site of care within 15 months of care entry are excluded.
- Enrollment into HIV care: Enrollment into care defined as date of entry into HIV care, among patients who are ART-naïve at enrollment.
- Median CD4 count at enrollment: Median CD4 count within 3 months of care enrollment and no more than 30 days after ART initiation, among patients with a CD4 count measurement and sufficient potential follow-up time. For patients with > 1 CD4 count within outcome ascertainment window, CD4 count closest to enrollment date used.
- ART initiation: Initiation of a combined regimen of antiretroviral medications within 7 days, 14, days, 30 days, and 12 months after date of care entry.
- Viral load monitoring counted at 6 months (+/- 3 months) and 12 months (+/- 3 months) after care entry among patients who ever initiated ART.
- Viral suppression (viral load < 1,000 copies/mL) measured among patients with a viral load monitoring at 6 months (+/- 3 months) and 12 months (+/- 3 months) after care entry among patients who ever initiated ART. Patients with no viral load monitoring are excluded from the measure. For patients with > 1 viral load measure within outcome ascertainment window, viral load measure closest to enrollment date used.